New Year, New Healthy Lifestyle

When a new year comes along, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of ‘new year new me’ and dive into a whole host of new ways to get fitter, healthier, feel better and do more. However, those big changes are often unsustainable in the long run, which is why, come Spring, many of us are no longer sticking to those healthy habits and fitness regimes. So, how do you turn those New Year’s resolutions into a long-term commitment and make your new healthy choices a lifestyle, rather than a fad?

It's all about making small changes that fit into your existing lifestyle and routine. If you try and promise to go to the gym every day of the week, but you have children, a full-time job and other important commitments, this is quite possibly unlikely to be achieved. However, there really are products, ideas and solutions from Simply Brands that can create a healthier lifestyle with ease. These fit into your existing routine and promote a more energising, motivating and beneficial way of living that takes little effort but makes a great change.

Let’s start with cooking. Salads are often highly unappealing at this time of year due to the temperatures, and so we like to turn to hearty, warming dishes at the end of the day. But there’s no reason why they need to be unhealthy. Dishes loaded with vegetables and high protein meat can be extremely healthy, and when cooked using the right kitchen appliances like Air Fryers, the results are delicious and a lot less calorific than frying, for example as the amount of oil (if any at all) needed for an air fryer is so much less than other methods. Air Fryers are also super energy-efficient compared to a conventional oven, so if you’re New Year plans involve saving money, and you use your oven almost every day, then an air fryer is a good way to start! Our Simply Brands Deluxe Air Fryer is also perfect for larger families and parties, enabling you to cook multiple, large portions at once!

Now you’re fuelled up and ready to go, let’s take a look at getting that body moving. A great way to incorporate more movement into your day is to switch up your existing routine. If you choose the car to get to work, but it isn’t a huge journey, how about considering cycling to work? Many workplaces offer great storage and even cycle to work incentives and government schemes, so it’s worth talking to your employer about what they may have available. Our exciting, new Simply Cycling range is great for beginners and accomplished cyclists alike as our products are excellent quality and great value. From bike accessories and safety to tools and maintenance, you can stock up on everything you need for a safe cycling commute to work without a huge investment. You’ll also see a difference in your mood when you cycle to and from the office, especially at the end of the day. That fresh air and heart-pumping movement is a great way to de-stress at the end of the day and reset your mind ahead of an evening at home. 

Ready to take that newfound fitness out on the water? Then check out our fantastic value Simply Living paddleboards. You can find a brilliant array of locations offering paddleboard lessons, or just use of the water for a small fee in some stunning locations, and paddleboarding is not only great for fitness and balance, but it’s fantastic fun! A great new hobby to enjoy with friends. However, if you’re not quite ready to brace the chilly waters in winter, then avoid hefty gym fees and create your own workout space at home for a fraction of the price. Our Simply Brands foldable treadmill enables you to get a workout as intensive or low-impact as you like, and as it’s so compact and easy to fold away, you don’t need a huge amount of space. Simply fold up and slide away when not in use. Handy and convenient to fit into a busy lifestyle without the need to head out to the gym. You can even get in a quick walk watching your favourite TV programme! Let’s get that step count up!

Before we move onto possibly the most important element of a healthier lifestyle, be sure to check out the Simply Brands Whole Body Massager and Heated Massage Mattress to relieve those tired, aching muscles with your new fitness regime. It feels fantastic and really helps aid recovery to keep you motivated for the next session.

Now, finally, let’s take a look at what we think is the pinnacle in boosting your lifestyle and a surefire way to help boost the likelihood of keeping these healthier habits for the long haul… Sleep.

Sleep is essential for restoring our energy and not enough sleep over a long period of time can be harmful. Adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep a night. But it’s not just about quality, it’s about quantity. If you’re going to bed at a reasonable time to try and get in those 9 hours, but you’re waking up exhausted and grumpy, the chances are the quality of the sleep you’re getting simply isn’t good enough. There are ways to improve this though. A high-quality, comfortable mattress is a great start, but they can be pricey. So, what are the easiest ways to increase the quality of your sleep to help you feel rested and ready to keep your healthy lifestyle going?

Blackout blinds and curtains are essential. Especially as we head into the summer months, or you live on a busy street with many lamps illuminating the area outside. Our circadian rhythm is influenced by daylight and darkness, so the darker your room, the more your body will register that it’s time to rest. A heated blanket will also help keep those cosy vibes going in the lead up to bedtime as your body begins to create melatonin (the sleepy hormone) towards bedtime. Take it a step further with our bluetooth eye mask! Perfect for creating a super dark, cosy sleep environment with the added white noise to block out external noises that wake light sleepers.

So, now you’re sleeping better, you’re eating better and you’re moving more! You’re going to be feeling so much better, more energised and motivated about so much more in 2024.

To browse the full Simply Brands range, capitalise on the focus on wellbeing and healthy living and see the products which could help create the perfect healthier lifestyle stock in your store, browse our range today.


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